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New RPG Partnerships!

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This is our first in what we hope will be many posts sharing what we are doing at Pe Metawe Consulting. Community is at the heart of what we do and in the spirit of helping build better connections with our community stakeholders we want to provide transparency in our operations and let you know what we’re working on and who we are working with!

Today was a very important day with Pe Metawe as we have been in discussions with two potential suppliers for the RPG systems that we would like to utilize in our community workshops. The first supplier was Evil Hat Games, creators and producers of Fate Accelerated and Fate Core, two systems that are extremely accessible, easy to learn, fun to play and able to be adapted to any genre. These are all very important elements for us when assessing a system for us to utilize and because both systems of Fate are already popular we have been able to playtest internally a little bit already. The conversations we’ve been having with Evil Hat Games have been mostly boring business talks around how we can get a bulk order of games to us, and ultimately in the hands of our community partners.

The second exciting conversation we were able to have today was with Monocle Society, a game development studio that is leading the way in blending technology with traditional tabletop gaming. They have graciously offered to provide us with a demo copy of their new(ish) game Weave, which is releasing an updated ruleset this year. In addition, they have expressed a strong interest in providing support down the road in us being able to utilize their Playset Creator tools to be able to create customized Indigenous focused content. The passion for what they are doing definitely came through in our talk with their marketing representative Renee and we cannot be more excited to try out the system and hopefully get it out to our communities.

If you’re interested in checking out either publisher, you can find them at and respectively and we’ll be providing some more in-depth look discussions about our play-testing of both down the road! 

In the meantime, if you have any suggestions of other systems we can look out for, or you’d like to learn more about what we are doing, feel free to drop me a line at
